Info For Donors
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Basic Info
Although we are known in the Tucson community as BICAS (Bicycle Inter-Community Art and Salvage), our official name is Bootstraps to Share of Tucson, Inc. Your bank statement may reflect this name after you donate.
We appreciate your interest in supporting BICAS, a non-profit Arizona 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to meeting the human-powered transportation needs of youth and homeless. All donations are tax-deductible — see below for the official IRS and Arizona documents supporting that statement. We have information on how to donate money, old bicycles, and bicycle-related items.
Our federal ID number (EIN) is 74-2580768. You may search for us in the IRS Directory,
We’re platinum rated on Guide Star!
For Arizona Residents
As Arizona residents, we have a unique opportunity to to make an upfront donation to local charities and get that money back in the form of a tax credit. More information and answers to your tax credit questions can be found in this Daily Star article from December 10th, 2018.
At tax time, BICAS can be found under QCO Code: 20720 Bootstraps to Share of Tucson, Inc. dba BICAS. Tax credit contributions can be made between Jan. 1, 2019 and April 15, 2020.
Donor Privacy
BICAS shall never sell, rent, lease or exchange personal donor information with other organizations. BICAS assures that the identity of all who contact us will be kept confidential. Use of personal information will be limited to BICAS.
BICAS is committed to ensuring the security of personal donor information. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the proper use of information, we have established and implemented appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. BICAS uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol when processing sensitive data such as credit card information. Any information you enter is encrypted at the check-out.
Documents open to public inspection
All tax-exempt organizations must make certain documents available for public inspection. Internet posting fulfills this requirement. (See IRS FAQ on fulfilling the public inspection requirement.) Our fiscal year runs January 1 – December 31.
Gift Acceptance Policy
BICAS seeks outright gifts and future gift commitments that are consistent with its mission. Donations generally will be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, organizations, government agencies, or other entities without limitations—unless the acceptance of gifts from a specific source is inconsistent with the organization’s beliefs, values, and mission. BICAS will not accept gifts from companies whose products may be harmful to our clients or from donors whose requests for public recognition are incompatible with our philosophy of appreciation. BICAS will not accept gifts for companies actively harming transgender communities, women, people of color or other minority groups. In processing, all gifts will be coded in the donor database for the constituency source from which the gifts were given (e.g., individual, corporation, foundation, organization, etc.).
Tax-exempt and charitable status:
- Application [Jun1990], Follow-up Questions [Aug1990], Response [Sep1990]
- IRS Advance Ruling [Dec1990], Determination [Jul1994], Confirmation [Aug2005],Confirmation [May 2012], Confirmation [May 2014], Confirmation [March 2015], Confirmation [March 2018],
- Confirmation [October 2019]
- Arizona Determination [Apr1991]
- IRS Determination [April 2022]
Annual information returns:
These returns (IRS Form 990) summarize our activities (mostly from a financial viewpoint) and document that our tax-exempt and charitable status should remain unchanged.
- 2023 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2022 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2021 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2020 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2019 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2018 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2017 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2016 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2015 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2014 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2013 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2012 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2011 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2010 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2009 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2008 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2007 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2006 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
- 2005 IRS 990 Annual Information Return
To protect privacy, mailing addresses of board members and key employees (usually on pages 5 and 7) and mailing addresses of major donors (usually on page 2 of Schedule B) are removed. We have internal documentation on how we combine several documents to produce a single PDF suitable for public viewing.
Annual reports filed with Arizona Corporation Commission:
Please see the Bootstraps to Share records page of the Arizona Corporation Commission. (If that doesn’t work, then start at the AZ Corp Commission homepage, look for “Annual Reports” in the lower left, then search for “Bootstraps to Share”. We should show up as file number 05219901.)