Celebrating Art Workshops Past

Spring Art Workshops (2024)

Saturday, Jan. 27th, 3 PM to 6 PM:
Design Welded Bike Art (Intro to Welding Bike Parts)

Ever wanted to make a welded metal art piece from bike parts? Well, you can learn where to start! Learn to identify which bike parts are best for art and take home a small metal arts piece welded by BICAS staff Tyler that you design! In the BICAS arts and welding area.

Sliding Scale: $15-$40. Pay on the day and RSVP via email: art@bicas.org

Friday, Feb. 9th, 11 PM to 2 PM:
Poetry Workshop

Learn how to tap into your inner romantic & write love poems with a local self-published poet! All levels of experience are welcome & materials will be provided.

Teacher: Lourdes Leiner

Sliding Scale: $15-$40. Pay on the day. Spots limited. RSVP via email: art@bicas.org 

Thursday, Feb. 29th, 5 PM to 8 PM:
How to Draw a Stylized Portrait Workshop

Learn to draw people and how to take a face and turn it into a stylized portrait!

Teacher: Jazmyn Roze

Sliding Scale: $10-$20. Pay on the day. Spots limited. RSVP via email: art@bicas.org

Thursday, Mar. 14th, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM:
How to Watercolor Workshop

Take a watercoloring class at BICAS with @IVY_LETTERS You’ll learn basic watercolor techniques, color mixing, and creating depth and texture with ink. After the workshop, take home your unique, beautiful work of art! Sliding-scale price: $20-$35 all materials are included. Light refreshments will be served. Reserve your place by DM’ing here or emailing art@bicas.org “Healing the soul one brushstroke at a time” @IVY_LETTERS

Teacher: Ivy Letters

Sliding scale: $20-$35. Pay on the day. Spots limited. RSVP via email: art@bicas.org

Thursday, Mar. 28th, 6 PM to 8 PM:
Stippling & Pointillism Workshop

Stippling and Pointillism for shading, creating and meditating.

Teacher: Michael Wasmund

Sliding Scale: $5-$15. Pay on the day. Spots limited. RSVP via email: art@bicas.org

Saturday, Apr. 6th, 2:30 PM to 6 PM:
Intro to Welding Bike Parts

Are you ready? The BICAS Art program is now offering welding classes! This class is geared towards beginning artists interested in welding for art. Learn the basics of designing and welding 3D metal art. Come with a simple design in mind or create a design with us using our salvaged bicycle parts. You are welcome to bring your own metal as well. Some of the things you’ll learn: Basics in: how to choose salvaged metal parts for welding, prepping materials, welder settings, how to create in 3D metal, art appreciation, and how to have fun!

More BICAS Art Info.

Sliding Scale: $100-$200. Pay online.

Sunday, April 21st, 2 PM to 4 PM:
Wind Chime Workshop

At Pueblo Vida Brewing, BICAS will be leading a fun workshop where participants will craft unique wind chimes from recycled bicycle parts, in the perfect blend of creativity and sustainability! Your ticket not only grants you access to the workshop, but also includes your first beer. As a workshop attendee, you’ll enjoy an exclusive discount to shop one-of-a-kind artwork from BICAS’ art pop up!

Teacher: More BICAS Art Info.

$25. Spots limited. Register here.

Saturday, Apr. 27th, 6 PM to 8 PM:
Paint and Sip for BICAS Art!

Join us at Dragoon Brewery with “Painting and Vino Tucson” in this fun, amazing, creative, social paint-and-sip event. Enjoy the artistic process of recreating a beautiful painting, all while sipping and painting with your friends. All materials are provided! 

Paint and Sip prides itself on providing top-quality paintings and professional artists to instruct the painting parties. P&S only hosts their events at quality venues that offer great food and beverages, like Dragoon Brewery!

Teachers: P&S

$45. Pay online.

Sunday, May 26th, 9 AM to 1 PM:
Design Welded Bike Art (Intro to Welding Bike Parts)

Are you ready? The BICAS Art program is offering welding classes! This class is geared towards beginning artists interested in welding for art. Learn the basics of designing and welding 3D metal art. Come with a simple design in mind or create a design with us using our salvaged bicycle parts. You are welcome to bring your own metal as well. Some of the things you’ll learn: Basics in: how to choose salvaged metal parts for welding, prepping materials, welder settings, how to create in 3D metal, and art appreciation!

More BICAS Art Info.

Sliding Scale: $100-$200. Pay online.

Monday, Feb. 17th, 9 AM to 2 PM:
Design Welded Bike Art (Intro to Welding Bike Parts)

Ever wanted to make a welded metal art piece from bike parts? Well, you can learn where to start! Learn to identify which bike parts are best for art and take home a small metal arts piece when you’re done.

Teacher: Stacy

Sliding Scale: $120-$220. SIGN UP HERE

Block Print Workshop hosted by Word of Mouth Print Space (2022)

Word of Mouth Print Space can be found near BICAS at the BCC 101 E. Ventura Blvd.

Also see the latest from Word of Mouth Print Space on their Instagram @wordofmouthprintspace

Online Inner Tube Wallet Tutorial (2021)

Written, illustrated, and demonstrated by BICAS Staff Tyler McCullough
Filmed, edited, and performed by BICAS Staff Shruti Kaul, @shrutikaul on Instagram

Material kits available at https://www.etsy.com/listing/1002603717/bicas-original-inner-tube-wallet-kit!

Online Windchime Workshop (2020)

Click here to view our free, bilingual class on how to make DIY Bike Part Windchimes. Thank you to the Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance for partnering with us for this workshop, which is suitable for people of all ages and kids 8+. Purchase a $7 kit to make your own bike part windchime here, and contact us for to learn how to earn a free kit if needed.

Clic aquí enlace para ver un video de nuestra clase virtual y bilingue de agosto 2020 sobre como hacer un windchime (campanillas de viento) con partes de la bicicleta. Compra un kit aquí.


[POSTPONED] Thursday, May 23rd, 6 PM to 8 PM
Wax, Acrylic, and Gold Leaf Candle Painting

Join our candle workshop and make candle magic! Take home candles made by wax melting, painting, and gold leaf application. Give them as gifts, for display in your home, and they’re also great for witchcraft (if you’re into that sorta thing)! Bring a friend or make one there!

Teacher: BAEVY

Sliding scale: $15-$25. Spots limited. RSVP @bicasart or art@bicas.org.

[POSTPONED] Friday, May 3rd, 5 PM to 8 PM:
Screen-printing Workshop with Adventure Art

All materials will be provided in this fun workshop. Learn to screen-print and design your own design to screen-print one bandana, which will be provided. You’ll also have the option to screen-print bicycle-themed images if desired. Students are also encouraged to bring other items they would like to screen-print from home (shirt, etc).

Teachers: Adventures Art Company

Sliding Scale: $40-$60. Register online.

[POSTPONED] Tuesday, May 14th, 5 PM to 8 PM:
How to Draw a Stylized Portrait Workshop

Learn to draw people and how to take a face and turn it into a stylized portrait!

Teacher: Jazmyn Roze

Sliding Scale: $10-$20. Pay on the day. Spots limited. RSVP via email: art@bicas.org


Lead a workshop: Want to share your skills in a livestream workshop during COVID-19? You could lead a group in making tube wallets, tire belts, metal mobiles, or anything your snazzy mind can dream up. We have scrap parts and streaming tools available. Email art@bicas.org!

Get Parts and Plans: If you’re interested in a unique art project that’s both sustainable and fun for your students/kids, we can help you develop ideas and provide materials at a discount rate. Email art@bicas.org for pandemic ideas and more.

Make Your Own Art: Need salvage parts for your quarantine project? We have SO MUCH recycled bike stuff perfect for your creative mind. The staff in the shop can let you know what art parts are available and a good donation amount for different types of materials. View our open hours here.

For questions, media, mural requests, metalworks commissions, information on our Annual Art Auctionworkshop information, or parts requests, contact the BICAS Art Coordinator at art@bicas.org or 520.628.7950, or stop by the shop at 2001 N. 7th Ave during our open hours.

Find out more by following BICAS Art on Facebook, Instagram, and on our BigCartel Shop!