Featured Artist: Lourdes Leiner

We are excited to feature poet and spoken word artist Lourdes Leiner, who will soon be hosting a poetry workshop at BICAS! Lourdes is a Tucson-based author whose poetry combines the repose of the desert with a dark gothic aesthetic in incredibly emotive verse.

Where are you from?

Tucson, Arizona

What got you started making art?

I started writing when I was a teenager to start expressing myself and explore with larger ideas about existence. Then when I turned 21 I self-published my book Stitches. From then on I am committed to my career as a poet.

What’s your artistic background? (experience, education, etc.)

I am self-taught author, I draw heavy influence from my favorite poets and classic authors. In my first years of college, I started workshopping my work. Then received a massive amount of encouragement to publish my work from my professors at the time.

Who or what are your biggest artists’ influences?

My biggest influence in my poetry is Charles Bukowski. He was the first author who I resonated with, his style of poetry is gritty and real. It completely changed my view point on poetry. One work in particular has influenced me greatly and it’s titled “Bluebird”.

Where do you get your inspiration for your art?

I draw from my experiences, the Sonoran desert, the local art community in Tucson and dark gothic aesthetics.

What brought you to BICAS?

BICAS had an art after dark market during the summer and I applied to be apart of the local community of artists in Tucson.

How has BICAS affected you?

BICAS has provided a great opportunity for me to share my work with others and to be involved in my community. I am very grateful for BICAS and its influence in Tucson.

Why did you work with BICAS at the Art Auction?

I worked with BICAS during their most recent art auction, I performed my spoken word from my recent book Spit It Out. I work with BICAS for their supportive environment and positive energy towards creatives.

Check out her instagram for more of her work, or find Spit it Out through Google, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon! You can find Lourdes at BICAS on February 9th, 11 AM to 2 PM, where she will be hosting a poetry workshop!