Celebrating Art Marts Past
Art Mart at Dark 2024
Thank you to all who came to the Art Mart at Dark in September! From the local Tucson art vendors, the live music, the food trucks, the BICAS staff and volunteers working the event — and most importantly — everyone that showed up! The yard was packed with light and joy! The love was felt, and there was good vibes all around.
Thank you to our wonderful community who came to Art Mart at Dark!!

Thank you to Hella Fitzgerald and In Phase Entertainment for amazing music and lighting!
Thank you to Amelia and Hugo’s and Frozen Delight 520 for delicious Mexican food and ice cream!
Thank you to Zena Carves for an amazing poster!
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and staff for running the event!
Thank you to our Artist Vendors:
- Zena Carves — Instagram: @zena_carves
- Alex Jimenez — Instagram: @abcdelsur
- Michael Dotsmund — Instagram: @michaeldotsmund
- SoGayCrochet — Instagram: @sogaycrochet Etsy: SoGayCrochet Tiktok: @sogaycrochet Threads: @sogaycrochet Website: sogaycrochet.shop
- Rabbit Droppings — Instagram: @rabbit_droppings
- Amaryllis — Instagram: @naamaste1
- By SpookySelena — Instagram: @byspookyselena
- S2 metal/crafts — Instagram: @welderbabe
- HazyHonor — Instagram: @hazyhonor
- Beads Over Diamonds — Instagram: @beads.over.diamonds
- Exist Out Loud Crafts — Instagram: @existoutloud_ Tiktok: existoutloud.crafts Website: existoutloudcrafts.com
- Pinta para el alma — Instagram: @ivy_letters
- Madz Findz — Instagram: @madz.findz
- M Carlisle — Instagram: @creosotem Website: ecarlisle.wixsite.com/portfolio
- The Snake Bitch — Instagram: @theesnakebitch Etsy: TheSnakeBitchArt
- One Mad Menagerie — Instagram: @onemadmenagerie
- Deathsick — Instagram: deathsickart
- Cece Prints — Instagram: @cecenator.art
- Emma Radulski Art — Instagram: @EmmaRadulskiArt Website: emmaradulski.com
- Mi Casita Press — Website: micasitapress.com
- Visions From Her — Instagram: @visionsfromher
Vendor applications are CLOSED.
Want to vend at Art Mart at Dark?
Spring Art Mart 2024

Sunday, March 24th, 2024, from 10 AM to 3 PM!
Here’s what’s lined up!
• La Cocina de Amelia y Hugo
• Art activities!
• Raffle for select BICAS art pieces!
• Prizes! Including coupons for art and merch
• Local artists selling amazing art!
• BICAS Art on SALE! We’ll be discounting select art and shirts!
• NEW BICAS Merch! Get ‘em while they’re available!
So please join us! Your support helps these BICAS art events, workshops, and salvaged art programs continue!
For more info, visit our Website, Instagram, or Facebook.
This is the 4th annual BICAS Art Mart! It was created in early 2021 in response to Tucson art events being canceled in 2020. In continuing this inspired event, which has now become a new BICAS tradition, we’re excited to host local talent and emerging artists once more in the socially diverse and inclusive artistic space that is BICAS! More info coming soon!
*Poster Art Credit: @loneheartart
For more info on BICAS Art and to RSVP for our Art Mart on Facebook CLICK HERE
And we are @BICASArt on Instagram
Location and even more info: In the BICAS parking lot. 2001 N 7th Ave
Our Artists:
• HazyHonor — Instagram
• Zero Waste Art — Instagram
• SoGayCrochet — Instagram – TikTok – Etsy
• M Carlisle — Website – Instagram – Itch
• Scenescapes — Instagram
• Angela Murphy Artist — Instagram – Facebook
• Katherine Joyce Illustration — Website – Instagram
• Monsoon Metalworks
• WOMPS — Instagram
• Pinta Para El Alma — Instagram
• HG Art Collective — Instagram
• Mi Casita Press — Website
• Ashes to Oddities — Instagram – Website
• Sheas Gems — Instagram
• Sashaseoks — Instagram
• Daisy Petalzz — Instagram – Website – Depop – TikTok
• Cece’s Prints — Instagram – TikTok
• By Heidi Sue — Instagram
• Shinymetalthings — Website – Instagram
• Maude Pods — Instagram
• Stellarator — Instagram
• Island Glass Designs — Instagram
• Lone Heart — Instagram
• Laurie Marie — Website – Tiktok
• Mireya Art — Instagram
Art Mart at Dark 2023

Friday, September 29th, 2023, from 6 PM to 9 PM!
•A group ride to BICAS, starting at LSA!
Here’s what’s lined up!
•Upcycled art activities!
•Live music—Indie Experimental Jazz from Dactyls!
•Potluck BBQ
•Raffle for select BICAS art pieces!
•Prizes! Including coupons/free merch
•Local artists selling amazing art!
•BICAS Art on SALE! We’ll be discounting select art!
•NEW BICAS Merch! Get ‘em while they’re available, as we’ll have embroidered BICAS cycling caps and waist packs!
So please join us! Your support helps these BICAS art events, workshops, and salvaged art programs continue!
For more info, visit our Website, Instagram, or Facebook.
For the past 3 years, we’ve had art marts on Sunday afternoons, but on this BICAS birthday, we’re taking it up a notch with a summer night market! We’ll be turning 34! WOW! 34 years in Tucson, serving the community with bicycle transportation, bike education, and art creation! We hope to see you there!
More info: Catch the good vibes under the full moon with us on a group bike ride to the event and celebrate our birthday with a BBQ! We’ll have our bicycle metal art as well as local Tucson artists from jewelry, pottery, prints, and everything in between. BICAS Art Mart at Dark is free to attend and a great opportunity to show your support for our local artists and the BICAS Art program by donating art materials, bike art, or funds to help us continue BICAS art events like this.
Free upcycled bike art activities for kids and families will be available. Raffle table with prizes too!
*Poster art by: @jennatomasello
For more info on BICAS Art and to RSVP for Art Mart and Dark on Facebook CLICK HERE
And we are @BICASArt on Instagram
Location and even more info: In BICAS yard, just to the side of our warehouse. It’ll be our BICAS b-day too! So we’ll be having a potluck BBQ. If you have grub to donate bring it! Also we will have a group bike ride with LSA! We’re so excited to be planning this event and hosting local talent and emerging artists!
Artists in attendance:
Art Mart at Dark 2023
Artist Profiles
When: Sept 29th 6pm-10pm
Where: BICAS Yard 2001 N 7th Ave
Donate: At BICAS (say it’s for art, or email art@bicas.org)

Artists Apply Here (*Closed)
BICAS Spring 2023 Art Mart!

Thanks to all who stopped by the BICAS art mart! Thank you to all the vendors, the staff, everyone who shared the event, Ward 3, and you! The community really showed up! A special thanks to Word of Mouth Print Space for the live screen printing, Outspoken Bookish for teaching people how to make zines and Tucson chill ride for stopping by! It was an exciting event, and we can’t wait until next time! See photos of the event here. And check out the article Tucson Weekly published.
poster art by: Jenna Tomasello
Thank you to all our vendors:
–Revolta Art www.revoltaart.com IG: @Revolta_Art
–The Glass Desert www.theglassdesert.com IG: @theglassdesert
–Mi Casita Press www.micasitapress.com IG: @micasitapress
–Olivia Tuller www.romerohousepotters.org IG: @lot.pot.tery
–Aaron Nosheny www.etsy.com/shop/aberrantceramics IG: @aberrantceramicas
–Two Snake Pots www.twosnakepots.com IG: @twosnakepots
–One Mad Menagerie www.etsy.com/shop/onemadmenagerie IG: @OneMadeMenagerie
–Prints and Pronghorns www.printsandpronghorns.com IG: @printsandpronghorns
–Word of Mouth Print Space IG: @wordofmouthprintspace
–Wildflower Kitchen https://wildflowerkitchen.substack.com IG: @witchythey
–LaH.E.S. Creations IG: @lahes_creations
–Last Chance www.chancegray.org IG:@lastchancetatts
–Trouble Maker Pottery www.troublemakerpottery.com IG: @troublemakerpottery
–Outspokin’ & Bookish www.amandameeks.com IG: @outspokin_bookish
–Katherine Joyce Illustration www.katherinejoyceillustration.com IG: @KatherineJoyce.illustration
–Wei Wei IG: @weiwei.draw
–Lone Heart www.loneheart.bigcartel.com IG: @loneheartart
–Live.In.Color. www.liveincoloronline.com IG: @annalisa_paperarts
–Steel and Stone: Instagram: @steel_n_stone
–Radical Ceramics IG: @radicalceramics
–Azules maría IG: @azulesmariaa
–Desert Love
2023 Artists
revolta Art @revolta_art
revolta Art is an eco-conscious 2D multi-media artist focused on painting and drawing southwest plants and creatures on salvaged materials. Much of her current work includes small-scale paintings and printed goods (stickers, pins, bandanas, prints) of nature and critters seen while biking through Tucson and its mountain bike trails. Since graduating from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2011, Monique has worked as a bike mechanic, art coordinator, and part-time artist. In 2021, they finally embraced their teen dream of being an artist and took a full leap into their creative practice – and we’re so glad they did! We can’t wait to have Monique as a second-time Art Mart artist this year. www.revoltaart.com

The Glass Desert @theglassdesert
A desert dweller for the past 17 years, Alex of The Glass Desert translates her love of desert surroundings into a line of modern stained glass desert-inspired decor. Her work is inspired by her environment as she strives to pay homage to Tucson’s amazing Sonoran Desert. www.theglassdesert.com

Mi Casita Press @micasitapress
Mi Casita Press is a femme led alternative publishing press. MCP aims to empower QTBIPOC through printmaking, print, and community entrepreneurship. MCP was created in efforts to make art accessible to communities of color, encourage healing through the arts, promote the work of QTPOC, and amplify the voices of the underrepresented through the practice of self-publishing. www.micasitapress.com

Lot Pot @lot.pot.tery
Olivia Tuller has been doing ceramics since 2017 when she discovered it as part of the art history curriculum at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR. Since then, she’s furthered her clay education at the Multnomah Arts Center, Pima Community College, and Romero House Potters, as well as attending NCECA in 2018. Though she has experience in both hand building and wheel throwing, her own work focuses on wheel thrown functional ware, utilizing a variety of glazing techniques such as sgraffito, mishima, and wax resist. She has taught beginning wheel as well as children’s hand building, and is currently an instructor at Romero House Ceramics Olivia loves the unique creative process that ceramics offers, and enjoys guiding others on their journey to find their artistic voice through clay. www.romerohousepotters.org

Aberrant Ceramics @aberrantceramics
Aaron Nosheny is a ceramic artist working in Tucson, Arizona. He is a self-taught ceramicist and have been working in the medium for 19 years. His hand-built pottery, sculpture, hamsas, masks, and ornaments draw influence from the strange and wonderful denizens of the natural world like bugs, monster and horror comedy, and from other various haunted repositories of popular culture. www.etsy.aberrantceramics

Two Snake Pots @twosnakepots
Two Snake Pots is a collaboration between ceramicist Joe Hall and artist Lydia Rennalls. They create functional ceramics with bold and colorful designs. All are wheel thrown and hand painted porcelain potter! www.twosnakepots.com

One Mad Menagerie @onemadmenagerie
Madison’s collection of jewelry, embroidery, and greeting cards celebrates the art of reuse. She has been a creator of art and jewelry for most of her life, but it wasn’t until after working in bicycle collectives that she began to make jewelry with recycled bike parts. She enjoys creating most when she’s turning something disposable into something beautiful and finds inspiration in the details of tiny washers, the imagery on bottle caps and aluminum cans, and the vibrant colors of recycled paper. www.etsy.com/shop/onemadmenagerie

Prints and Pronghorns @printsandpronghorns
Print and Pronghorns is a blockprint and screenprint project based in Tucson, Arizona. The artwork explores the Sonoran desert and themes of abolition. Proceeds from sales go to mutual aid work along the border and beyond. Block prints and screen printed t-shirts! www.printsandpronghorns.com

Steel and Stone @steel_n_stone
So excited to have Steel and Stone at the BICAS Art Mart! They create unique sculptural and often functional recycled metal art, typically incorporating crystals, gemstones, and found objects. A Pima welding graduate with a strong background in traditional art and color work. Seeking to create clean, upscale statement pieces bound to evoke thought and conversation.

Wildflower Kitchen @witchythey
Wildflower Kitchen is a queer ceramicist, cook and writer from Cleveland, Ohio. They are passionate about nature and sustainability and hopes that these loves are evident in all they do. Carter has been practicing witchcraft for six years and currently works as a farm to table chef. They enjoy throwing pottery and cooking up magic in their spare time. https://wildflowerkitchen.substack.com
LaH.E.S. Creations @lahes_creations
So awesome to have LaH.E.S. Creations at the BICAS Art Mart! A Xicana, Tucson native, she is always inventing, experimenting, creating, learning, growing, and expressing her creative spirit! Although she dabbles with various mediums, her main medium is resin and creates wonderful jewelry, ashtrays, incense holders, candle holders, pins, magnets, and much more!
Chance Gray @LastChanceTatts
Check out Last Chance Tatts at the BICAS Art Mart! Chance Gray is an artist interested in themes of liberation, connection across barriers, and abolition. Chance primarily works through tattooing, mail art, screen printing, and space curation. Come check out their screen printed apparel, panels, and patches! https://www.chancegray.org
Trouble Maker Pottery @troublemakerpottery
Originating from the Midwest, artist Mallory finds inspiration in the desert landscape and fuses themes of feminity into her work. She enjoys playing with shapes and color. Come check out her awesome functional pottery! https://troublemakerpottery.com
Outspokin’ & Bookish @outspokin_bookish
Outspokin’ & Bookish is part pop-up feminist zine/art object collection and part playful, mobile maker space focused on print media in Tucson, AZ. By sharing DIY publishing and print media-making practices and tools via bicycle, my hope is to inspire others to share their stories, ideas, and artwork. https://amandameeks.com
Katherine Joyce Illustration @katherinejoyce.illustration
Katherine Joyce Illustration creates illustrations immersed in color and silly narratives. Some illustrations are ventures into the feeling of calm or a psychedelic bus stop, and they have inspiration from myth, literature, and nature. See her many works of art this Sunday! https://www.katherinejoyceillustration.com
Wei Wei @weiwei.draw
A surreal artist with a hint of darkness. Wei Wei was born and raised in China and came to the United States in 2008. After exploring Los Angeles and New Mexico, she moved to Tucson, AZ, where she completed her bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts with a focus on illustration. Since she was a little kid, she has always had a sense of curiosity about the great mystery of human life—death. As a child, she was obsessed with reading Greek Mythology and Chinese/Japanese folk tales about the underworld. As an adult, she studied death scientifically during her nursing school years. In her artwork, she often found inspiration and fascination from the beauty of death in the natural cycle.
Live.In.Color @annalisa_paperarts
Azules maría @azulesmariaa
loneheartart @loneheartart
Desert Love
Bicas 2022 Art Mart
BICAS held its second ‘Art Mart’ in the BICAS Parking Lot in late April. The market was free to enter and had 10 local artists tabling their artwork! We also had original BICAS art and merch for sale. Thank you to the artists, volunteers, and patrons who made the 2nd Art Mart possible!
Artists at the event Revolta Art, La Luna Coyote, Gabbi Mohn, Toned Uterus, S² Metal/Crafts, Live.In.Color, Transasaurus Mexicraft, Kristin Mcray, True Descendants, Emazarts Designs, and Bridges Across Borders. The free upcycled art activity for children was also available again this year. The free upcycled art activity for children was also available again this year. Proceeds from BICAS bicycle art and merchandise directly supported BICAS, a collectively run 501(c)(3) that has participated in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling in Tucson for over 31 years. 100% of the sales from artists directly supported them
Photo credit Arizona Daily Star:

*revolta art and la luna coyote
*S² Metal/Crafts and Transasaurus Mexicraft

*Gabbi Mohn, Live.In.Color and Bridges Across Borders
For more about the event visit our Instagram. BICAS Art merges bike-themed arts, do-it-yourself ethics, and ecological consciousness by providing education, inspiration, salvaged materials, and a socially diverse and inclusive artistic venue.
2022 Artists
revolta Art IG: @revolta_art

revolta Art is an eco-conscious 2D multi-media artist focused on painting and drawing southwest plants and creatures on salvaged materials. Much of her current work includes small-scale paintings and printed goods (stickers, pins, bandanas, prints) of nature and critters seen while biking through Tucson and its mountain bike trails. Since graduating from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2011, Monique has worked as a bike mechanic, art coordinator, and part-time artist. In 2021, they finally embraced their teen dream of being an artist and took a full leap into their creative practice – and we’re so glad they did! We can’t wait to have Monique as a second-time Art Mart artist this year.
Emma Arts Designs IG: @emazarts

Emma of Emazarts Designs is a Tucson-based maker who strives to be constantly learning. She aims to facilitate learning, connection, inspiration, and joy through her work, which includes one-of-a-kind block prints, ink drawings, and upcycled jewelry. This Sunday’s Art Mart will be her first-ever art market and she is thrilled to be tabling alongside the talented Toned Uterus!
Toned Uterus IG: @toned_uterus

Toned Uterus creates little ceramic guys and sometimes functional pottery like mugs and bowls! We adore their homemade ceramic critters and are so grateful to have their range of work and unique style in this year’s Art Mart. They will be tabling alongside Emazarts Designs this Sunday. You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to shop for their wonderful pieces!
s2 (squared) metal/crafts IG: @welderbabe

@welderbabe of S² Metal/Crafts is an independent artist who moved to Tucson in 1990 from the midwest. They weld an amazing variety of pieces using upcycled bicycle parts – one of our types of art here at BICAS. They can’t get enough sunrises on bicycles in the desert, just like we can’t get enough of their one-of-a-kind steel pieces. You won’t want to miss getting to see their art in person this Sunday at Art Mart!
JC Jewelss Instagram: @jc.jewelss

JC Jewelss makes Mexican-owned handmade jewelry out of 100% stainless steel. We can’t get enough of their custom-made pieces, especially as BICAS has a long history of participating in DIY jewelry making here in Tucson! Can’t wait to see you at this Sunday’s Art Mart JC Jewelss!
La Luna Coyote IG: @laluna_coyote Website: www.lalunacoyote.com

Ana (On-nuh) is the talented artist behind Tucson’s La Luna Coyote. Specializing in mixed media home décor and jewelry, their fascination for the Sonoran Desert is present in all that they design and produce. They focus on composing art that will influence the energy of any room by contributing moments of guided imagination and calming serenity. Ana, it is an absolute gift to have you as an artist at this year’s Art Mart!
True Descendants IG: @luckysalway

Luck Salway of True Descendants describes himself as a humble Native American artist who is also your favorite artist, favorite artist, favorite artist. Enough said, are we right? LOL We loved getting to work with Luck on the Southeast door mural at our shop which he designed and worked on over the past year. It’s a pleasure to get to have you at this year’s Art Mart, Luck! Come out and see their work at this Sunday’s Art Mart!
Live.in.Color Instagram: @annalisa_paperarts

A mixed media collage artist who utilizes paints and textures. Many of my pieces depict folklore characters, circus bikes, and portraiture. The creations are started by color-coordinating with paint and textures so everything falls into place in a fun way. By decoupaging certain areas of the piece with a tad bit of watered-down paint, it gives the work its own time and space. Acrylics have always been Annalisa’s medium of choice when it comes to painting. When the subject is complete, the finishing touches are added with ink or charcoal to give the piece depth and shape.
Gabrielle Mohn

Gabrielle collects images and delights throughout her days which sometimes evolve into prints. They are representative of all the tasty things the world has to offer. Though a lover of humans and the small objects of the everyday, her art tends to explore the non-human realm; plants, animals, and all things bodacious and mystical.
BICAS 2021 Art Mart
Art Mart Artist Flyer by BICAS Staff Jreems Kmchroo, @jreemskmchroo on Instagram

Pictures from the first ever Art Mart by BICAS Staff EMW
BICAS held its first ever ‘Art Mart’ Artisan Market in the BICAS Parking Lot on Sunday, May 16, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The market was free to enter with enforced mask mandates and social distancing. Street parking for vehicles and bicycles was available. Thank you to the artists, volunteers, and patrons who made the first ever Art Mart possible!
The ‘Art Mart’ included upcycled bicycle art and merchandise from BICAS as well as local art by over a dozen Tucson DIY artists, including Alexclamation Ink, revolta Art, Fonz520, LONE HEART, APO POTTERY, Crazy Chain Creations, Linus, The Snake Bitch, Ginger Green, Sonoran Witch Boy, and Brandy Devoid. A free upcycled art activity for children was also available. Proceeds from bicycle art and merchandise directly supported BICAS, a collectively run 501(c)(3) that has participated in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling in Tucson for over 31 years. Sales from DIY artists directly supported the artists.
In the meantime, look out for updates on the 2022 Annual BICAS Art Auction on the BICAS Art Facebook and Instagram!

Pictures from the first-ever Art Mart by @520_press on Instagram!

Image description:
Flyer reads, ‘BICAS’ 1st ART MART
Local Artist Market
Sunday, May 16, 2021
9AM – 1PM
The BICAS Parking Lot
Graphic by BICAS staff Jreems Kmchroo, @jreemskmchroo on Instagram.
For questions, media, mural requests, metalworks commissions, information on our Annual Art Auction, workshop information, or parts requests, contact the BICAS Art Coordinator at art@bicas.org or 520.628.7950, or stop by the shop at 2001 N. 7th Ave during our open hours.
Find out more by following BICAS Art on Facebook and Instagram!