Youth Bike Summit 2017


South Tucson Youth Travel to the Youth Bike Summit!

Washington D.C. October 6th - 9th.YBS group 2017

The Living Streets Alliance and BICAS are working together to send a delegation of 10 youth and community leaders from the South Tucson area to The Youth Bike Summit in Washington, D.C.


YBS is an annual 3 day conference bringing together youth and adults from across the nation to engage around youth culture, bicycles, education, and advocacy.  With participatory workshops that aim to unite theory and practice, the Youth Bike Summit is an amazing opportunity to connect with other programs that engage youth with cycling.


At the Youth Bike Summit, I want to...


"Expand my knowledge of why kids come back to ride bikes." - Gene


"Share information and experiences or stories about riding skills and riding in the community." - Estevan 


"Find out more about how we can help the community be safer and more bike friendly." -Itzel


These young adults have been working hard with BICAS, the Living Streets Alliance, the Pueblo Gardens Bike Club and the Ochoa Bike Club to inspire younger riders to share their love of bikes!


With YOUR help a group of extraordinary youth can take their passion for biking to the next level by traveling to Washington D.C. to meet other youth from all around the country, envision possibilities for leadership back here in Tucson, and invest in a healthier future for themselves and our community.

Will you help give them the opportunity to hone their leadership skills and trade notes with other young bikers and teachers from all over the country?

Gerard at Bike Club









All Contributions made via this page are tax-deductbile and will go towards funding youth and community leaders from South Tucson who are decicated to youth leadership in bicycling. 

Thank you for investing in the next generation of community mechanics, leaders, and bicycling advocates!
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Check out more information about the Youth Bike Summit