Donate Bikes

We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt public charity. Your item donations are tax deductible. When you drop off your donation to BICAS, during Open Shop Hours, our employees can furnish you with a tax receipt.


What Bikes Do You Take?

We accept bikes in any condition! If their condition is especially poor, we will strip them for good used parts to sell in our shop, and the rest will go to our art programming, to be crafted into unique works of art in our community! Any overflow we will bring to a nearby recycling center that can take your donations as scrap. In rare occasions, when we are very full with your generous donations, we will gladly direct you to the recycling center, which can donate the proceeds to us. Thank you in advance for your patience in these circumstances! We also accept bike accessories, gear, clothing, racks, and more.

Why Donate?

BICAS has provided affordable transportation for over 35 years. Your donation keeps the doors open and Tucson rolling!

Where can I bring my donation?

Donations can be dropped off at BICAS during our open shop hours, Wednesday though Sunday, 11 AM to 6 PM. We’re located at 2001 N. 7th Ave.

Can you pick up my donation?

We’re unable to pick up donations at this time.

How will my donation be used?

Bikes in better condition will be used as a teaching aid in our Build-A-Bike classes, refurbished to be sold in our community bike shop, or made available to customers through purchase or our Work Trade which allows members of our community to earn bikes, parts, and Community Tools time. Bikes in less usable condition will be used for art. Bike sales are a major source of revenue for BICAS and allow us to keep our lights on and doors open 6 days a week. Sales allow us to continue all of the programming with our community!

 Sometimes we make mini mutant bikes for our events!

Thank you for your donations and support that keep Tucson rolling!