March 16th, 2020 Dear BICAS Community, In light of recent developments, BICAS will be closed to the public effective immediately, through at least March 31st. We have painstakingly weighed our role as a community resource against the risk of COVID-19 exposure, especially for the most vulnerable members of our community. Taking into account other closures of similar community spaces both locally and nationally, BICAS is canceling all services and classes at this time, including Community Tools, WTF Workshop, Work Trade, Community Service, Youth Drop In, and sales. If you are using your unexpected “social isolation” time to clean out your garage/yard, we will still be accepting donations of bikes and parts, but we ask that you drop them off outside the building. If you need a tax receipt, please email We have been encouraged in recent days by Tucson’s support and compassion for one another during these uncertain and unprecedented times. We will be posting community resource lists as they become available. If you are in a position to do so, we are seeking monetary donations to help BICAS weather the unexpected expense of this closure. The great majority of our income comes from in-shop sales. BICAS is a qualifying 501 c(3) non-profit organization, allowing Arizona residents to use their AZ Tax Credits with us. We deeply appreciate any financial assistance our community can offer so that we can bounce back after this crisis recedes. Donations may be made here: Thank you, always, for all your continued support. Sincerely, The BICAS Collective
Photo of BICAS’ entrance with the door closed.