Need a way to get around Tucson? Whatever your cycling experience, whatever your budget — at BICAS, you’re sure to find a bike that fits your size, style, and price needs. Check out our three tiers of refurbishment, and purchase, or completely earn, a bike!

Buy a Bike – Buy an as-is bike or a refurbished bike. Our fully refurbished bicycles receive a complete overhaul for an as-new bike feel at an affordable price. These bikes are disassembled, cleaned, re-greased, worn parts are replaced and everything is put back together and tuned up. Refurbished BICAS bikes have a 1-month warranty on parts and labor.

Community Tools – Participate in our community tools program anytime during open hours. We provide access to bicycle tools, repair stands, and friendly mechanical assistance for a small hourly fee. This program is a great way to become familiar with the maintenance and proper use of your bicycle, as well as empower in all your bicycle mechanical pursuits with all the hands-on knowledge you’ll gain!

Earn a Bike – By participating in our Work-Trade program, you can earn credit toward a bicycle and learn to repair your bike in our Community Tools area, all without spending a penny.