Spotlight on our 2024 Art Auction Artist:Lee Ferris! This year, BICAS was excited to return to our roots by holding a contest for a design for our Art Auction commemorative
Spotlight on our 2024 Art Auction Artist:Lee Ferris! This year, BICAS was excited to return to our roots by holding a contest for a design for our Art Auction commemorative
Featured Artist: Mireya Quiroz We are so excited to feature artist Mireya Quiroz! Mireya Quiroz is a Tucson-based illustrator, who captivates the heart with her surrealist themes explored through meticulous
Labor Day Sale! From the 2nd TO THE 7th of September, BICAS will be having a massive week-long Labor Day sale! All used items will discounted! This sale is 20%
BICAS is seeking LIGHTS! With the festivities of Art Mart at Dark fast approaching on Friday, September 20th, we want to flood our yard with light! Work lights, flood lights,