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SAVE THE DAY for upcoming EVENTS:
- (June 24th) Hottest Day of the Year Ride–Love riding your bicycle despite the summer sun and heat? We do too! Join BICAS for an easy-paced ride with fun stops to cool down and we’ll all meet at Menlo Park with a family-style picnic by the water slide. Help raise money for BICAS and cool off by the pool! Fun for the Whole Family!
- (December 1st & 2nd): ART AUCTION–An annual art exhibition with bicycle art, entertainment, music, drink and more! You won’t want to miss our Annual Art Auction! ART AUCTION! Location TBA.
- (September 14th) ‘CLIMB of the UNDEAD’ Alley Cat Ride–Zombies!! In the Daily Wildcat!
- BICASpalooza at Cyclovia PHOTOS.