BICAS is thrilled to announce the 25th Annual BICAS Art Auction will be held in December 2021. This year’s auction will include both online and in-person activities. All community members will be invited to donate art to both showcase their skills and support Tucson’s community bicycle center. Event details are subject to change based on the recommendations of health experts and BICAS will continue to prioritize accessibility and the safety of our community. Want to be the first to know how you can be involved in this year’s art auction? Fill out the community art form here. Looking for salvage parts to create pieces for this year? Visit our Etsy shop for art parts, merchandise and more. Thank you for your continued generosity during these difficult times. Graphic by BICAS staff member Jreems Kmchroo.
Image description: Graphic reads, ‘BICAS’ 25th Community Art Auction, December 2021.’ Lettering is in yellow on a green background. Various desert creatures donning bike parts take up the bottom half of the image. A javelina has a bundle on his back that says ‘Top Secret,’ a rattlesnake curls around a simple upcycled lamp, a jackrabbit holds a clock out of bike gears, and a tortoise balances two wrenches, an axle and a wheel on its shell.