BICAS switches to Monsoon Summer Hours on July 8th June 23rd, 2020 As the Tucson summer heats up and Monsoon season rolls in, BICAS will be shifting our open hours
Services updates during COVID-19
Posted June 8th, 2020 Report Back from a month of Essential Services and what to expect in the future. Since BICAS reopened for essential services a little over a month
Black Lives Matter
Justice is a key organizational value at BICAS. As such, in response to the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, as well as the murders of countless Black
BICAS Art/Merch on Etsy now OPEN!
As of June 1 2020, BICAS is selling infant, children and adult apparel, shop merch, donated community art, funky functional stuff, handmade bike-part jewelry, and best of all, salvage art